Founded in 2012, Civic Tech DC is a non-partisan, non-political group of volunteer civic hackers working together to solve local issues and help people engage with the city.
Our twice-monthly meetups are open to anyone and offer a chance to learn more about what we do, contribute to a current project, or just snag some free pizza!
The list of projects we’re working on is always changing! Here are a few of our current projects:
Create a way to automate the name and address validation process for ballot initiative petitions.
An integrated library of open source programs to test datasets of social media activity for signs of coordinated inauthentic behavior (CIB).
Lower carbon emissions in the DMV by connecting homeowners with the resources and contractors they need to make their homes efficient and electric.
An open source CRM software for abortion funds, created by abortion funders and friends of abortion funders. DARIA went into service in July 2016 for the DC Abortion Fund and is now used by multiple abortion funds across the U.S.
Use the data from the biennial Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) to identify trends and outliers related to voter registration, voter roll maintenance, mail ballots, provisional ballots, voter turnout, and other aspects of how elections are run in states and counties across the U.S.
Automate mapping of urban vegetation from street level imagery to create a layer for exploring which areas of a city might be at greater risk during future heat waves.